My Garden

or, If You Can Perservere, You Get Tomatoes

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    •  Visited my parents this weekend again, and I tried painting up their fountain. The proportions are wrong but I'll fill it in with hostas and tree trunks to draw the eye away from that.

      ~ 08/25/24    

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       Visited my parents this weekend, and I took a look at their cherry tree. I trimmed off the decaying and dead branches in winter. They were told by a landscaper that it had about 5 years left in it. :( I don't have any before photos, but It's probably not a good sign that fungus has appeared on the locations I trimmed.

       Thankfully, we let the suckers grow. So we might be able to copse it.

      ~ 08/18/24    

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       Caught the morning glories today, by the time I get back from work they are usually folded up for the day. :/ Caught a spider in the middle of disposing of a body as well.

      ~ 08/04/24    

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       Everyone focuses on the fronds, but the stalks are equally distinct.

      ~ 07/10/24    

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       The cabbage is finally beating the allegations (cabbage moths)

      ~ 06/29/24    

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       I've been growing french mallow. I really wanted to try making a mallow tincture, and flavor some marshmallow. But the flowers are so pretty! (and the roots are under developed)

      ~ 06/15/24    

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       Claytonia is quite beautiful, especially right after a good rain. The odd leaf shape holds the water in interesting ways.

      ~ 06/05/24    

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       The Bok Choy bolted this year :/ but the flowers still look nice, and the bugs like 'em.

      ~ 05/20/24    

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       The dwarf grey sugar peas I grow, are really pest resistant. This year they had a heck of a time, but they are still chugging along!

      ~ 05/12/24    

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