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    •  Blokus victor with his chest puffed out because he won placing every single piece. It me. I won. XD

      ~ 08/25/24    

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       Goals honestly. A 4 minute mile would be such a vibe.

      ~ 08/19/24    

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                                            Sometimes I get frightened for the world.

                It feels as if there is a lack of trust.

       Building things, places, communities requires a sturdy stratum, and it's just not there.

                                          Maybe I'm just being anxious.

      ~ 08/02/24    

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       Mushrooms are alwasy really cool to do studies of, they truly do not care.

      ~ 07/08/24    

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       It's an inside joke for friends, but I'm done fiddling with it. The antlers are great but the background, sometimes you just have to move on honestly. XD

      ~ 06/17/24    

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       I drew this for Grandpa for father's day, I think he liked it!

      ~ 06/03/24    

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       I like the way the watercolors are reminiscent of the fruit juice.

      ~ 05/28/24    

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       Snails, they know what's up. I aspire to their level.

      ~ 05/12/24    

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       Finally finished my de-pined apple. I like it a lot, It matches the deconstructed mushroom I gave to Mom. Not in color but at least in tone.

      ~ 04/22/24    

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       Tried to draw up the eclipse in watercolors, but it just came out more accurately in oil.

      ~ 04/10/24    

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       Went to Georgia, and thought MY peach deserved some spanish moss.

      ~ 04/05/24    

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